Eatlantic engineering firm in Naples Florida


On October 1, 2002 Florida Statute 553.791 became law. This law provides, two main items:

First, this law allows a building owner (new or existing building) the option of using a Private Provider to provide all mandatory building code inspections and/or plan review in lieu of the local building department.

Second, this law now allows a Private Provider (eAtlantic) to provide this service to you. The statute is accessible below.

Using a Private Provider is a simple process. The main steps involved are:

  • Notice to Building Official is turned in at the time of permit application or before any inspection has been requested on the project.
  • Once permits have been issued and/or plans are approved, the construction process can begin.
  • eAtlantic will conduct all required Building Inspections per code as required by the state of Florida and local municipalities.
  • Upon completion and acceptance of all inspections, we will make notification of "C.O." (Certificate of Final Completion)
  • Once granted by us, the local Building Official must issue C.O. within 2 business days – per law.

Contact us for questions and the specific required steps. We would be happy to explain in detail all necessary procedures. The process is easy to use and all paperwork is available online.

Click the picture above to see many of the
benefits of using a private provider

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Time and Money